Matriarch Made Development - Assistants and Executive Training, Events and Business Fundamentals
Matriarch Made has been featured in Michelle Obama Podcast
Matriarch Made has been featured in  Good Day LA
Matriarch Made has been featured in  REach
Matriarch Made has been featured in Oprah Daily
Matriarch Made has been featured in Essence
Matriarch Made has been featured in Vogue
Assistants Training

Assistants Training

Are you a personal, executive, or administrative assistant looking to better support your employer in ways that no AI-based platform ever could? Or are you a leader looking to improve your working relationship with your current assistant?

Assistant Recruitment


Finding the right fit with an assistant is no easy feat.
If you aren’t clear on the type of support you actually need, what to expect or how to best utilize an assistant, let us help.

Event Logistics


With experience planning events on the world stage, allow us to help you approach your event with a preparedness that makes you ready for anything and everything.


We specialize in helping you lay the groundwork for a steady business foundation by creating guiding documents that provide a working structure and promote a company culture of transparency, accountability, & respect.

Business Fundamentals

Ready to take your business to the next level?